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Submission information
Submission Number: 56
Submission ID: 122
Submission UUID: c57da0c7-b447-4450-8382-4cce80764ed8
Submission URI: /add_skill_description
Created: Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:24
Completed: Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:24
Changed: Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:24
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: nihan.ozunlu
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: Skill description
Submitted to: Skill description
Skill code: ST-0027 Skill title: Protection of public health Digital skill: No Skill status: Being reviewed (29) Skill category: Rehabilitation (33) Skill responsible structure: Baskent University (17) Skill Category Responsible Person: nihan.ozunlu (21) Skill description: Knowing the definition of public health, the factors affecting the health, training and communication of the health, the approaching models required for the development of the health and application of these models to the physical therapy, labour health, environment health, health management and role of physical therapists, the necessary approaches for the training and making conscious of public in the health problems which are often faced in physical therapy, and some issues such as infection and first aid. Keywords: {Empty} Skill description author: nihan.ozunlu (21) Skill code number: 27 Skill description id: {Empty}