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230 submissions
# Starred Locked Notes Created Sort ascending User IP address Skill code Skill title Digital skill Skill status Skill category Skill responsible structure Skill Category Responsible Person Skill description Keywords Skill description author Skill code number Skill description id Operations
65 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #65 Lock Skill description: Submission #65 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #65 Tue, 07/26/2022 - 09:21 nihan.ozunlu ST-0036 Application of electrotherapy agents No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to gain theoretical knowledge and application skills about direct and low frequency currents and know the effects, indications and contraindications of the direct and low frequency currents and decide the appropriate current for the problem.

nihan.ozunlu 36
64 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #64 Lock Skill description: Submission #64 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #64 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:54 nihan.ozunlu ST-0035 Electrodiagnosis No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to apply electrodiagnosis

nihan.ozunlu 35
63 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #63 Lock Skill description: Submission #63 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #63 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:37 nihan.ozunlu ST-0034 Knowledge of general physics No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to choose the appropriate scientific method, to obtain problem-solving and analytical thinking skills, to apply the mathematical methods in physics, to recognize basic concepts related to mechanic, to recognize motion and energy.

nihan.ozunlu 34
62 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #62 Lock Skill description: Submission #62 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #62 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:31 nihan.ozunlu ST-0033 Knowledge of disability No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to understand of the social needs and problems of disabled people and will be know about disability and to be able to look at the problems critically.

nihan.ozunlu 33
61 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #61 Lock Skill description: Submission #61 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #61 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:18 nihan.ozunlu ST-0032 Knowledge of general psychology No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to get knowledge on how to look at different perspectives of psychology in order to solve the problems within each perspective

nihan.ozunlu 32
60 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #60 Lock Skill description: Submission #60 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #60 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:13 nihan.ozunlu ST-0031 Knowledge and practice of thermotherapy No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills about hot, cold, heat and light applications used in physiotherapy, evaluate the patient before the treatment with heat-light agents and to plan the treatment, apply patient-specific treatment approach and interpret treatment responses.

nihan.ozunlu 31
59 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #59 Lock Skill description: Submission #59 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #59 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 15:03 nihan.ozunlu ST-0030 Knowledge of general physiology No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to explain the general principles of physiological control systems, the passage of substances through the cell membrane and the bioelectric potentials, cell membrane transport and related bioelectrical phenomonia, the physiological characteristics of different muscle types and telling excitation-contraction mechanism of skeletal and smooth muscles, synaptic and periferal neurotransmission, sensory and motor functions of central nervous system and ability to identify blood types and be able to explain anticoagulation mechanisms.

nihan.ozunlu 30
58 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #58 Lock Skill description: Submission #58 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #58 Mon, 07/25/2022 - 14:46 nihan.ozunlu ST-0029 Knowledge of general anatomy No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to evaluate the anatomical structure of the human body and its functions, to discuss on the morphological structure of the limbs including vessels and nerves, and their relationship with each other, to discuss on the anatomical structure and localization of the components of cardiovascular system.

nihan.ozunlu 29
57 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #57 Lock Skill description: Submission #57 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #57 Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:33 nihan.ozunlu ST-0028 Scientific research on physiotherapy and rehabilitation No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Having knowledge about planning, conducting and concluding of research in the health field and to develop students' skills in use of basic statistical package programs.

nihan.ozunlu 28
56 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #56 Lock Skill description: Submission #56 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #56 Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:24 nihan.ozunlu ST-0027 Protection of public health No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Knowing the definition of public health, the factors affecting the health, training and communication of the health, the approaching models required for the development of the health and application of these models to the physical therapy, labour health, environment health, health management and role of physical therapists, the necessary approaches for the training and making conscious of public in the health problems which are often faced in physical therapy, and some issues such as infection and first aid.

nihan.ozunlu 27
55 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #55 Lock Skill description: Submission #55 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #55 Thu, 07/21/2022 - 11:17 nihan.ozunlu ST-0026 Acquire an effective interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working principle No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Acquire an effective interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary working principle

nihan.ozunlu 26
54 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #54 Lock Skill description: Submission #54 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #54 Thu, 07/21/2022 - 10:53 nihan.ozunlu ST-0025 Problem solving and clinical decision making skills in neurologic problems No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to apply practices of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in inflammatory, traumatic, degenerative and idiopathic disease of central and peripheral nervous system.

nihan.ozunlu 25
53 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #53 Lock Skill description: Submission #53 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #53 Thu, 07/21/2022 - 10:45 nihan.ozunlu ST-0024 Problem solving and clinical decision making skills in obstetric and gynecologic problems No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Having knowledge about pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause and some gynecological diseases needed clinic physiotherapy.

nihan.ozunlu 24
52 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #52 Lock Skill description: Submission #52 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #52 Wed, 07/20/2022 - 16:33 nihan.ozunlu ST-0023 Problem solving and clinical decision making skills in athletic injuries No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to know  the duties of sports physiotherapist, evaluation and application of physical fitness tests in athletes, adults, disabled, women and children and knows the importance of concepts such as nutrition and doping.
Understanding the mechanisms of sports injury, knowing the essential principles and preventive programs for prevention of injuries.
Ability to create necessary first aid, pre-treatment, treatment and rehabilitation program, knowing the criteria for return to sports and application of basic taping.

nihan.ozunlu 23
51 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #51 Lock Skill description: Submission #51 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #51 Wed, 07/20/2022 - 16:17 nihan.ozunlu ST-0022 Problem solving and clinical decision making skills in pulmonary problems No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to apply evaluation and treatment in pulmonary rehabilitation, chest physical therapy techniques,  pulmonary surgery, intensive care and for the child.

nihan.ozunlu 22
50 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #50 Lock Skill description: Submission #50 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #50 Wed, 07/20/2022 - 16:06 nihan.ozunlu ST-0021 Problem solving and clinical decision making skills in pediatric patients No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

Ability to have sufficient knowledge about normal development, motor control and muscle tone, the conditions causing functional disability, disability and disability in pediatric group
Ability to use appropriate physiotherapy assessments in pediatric rehabilitation and apply appropriate physiotherapy and rehabilitation program in various pediatric problems

nihan.ozunlu 21
49 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #49 Lock Skill description: Submission #49 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #49 Wed, 07/20/2022 - 14:15 nihan.ozunlu ST-0020 Assesment of pain​ No Being reviewed Rehabilitation Baskent University nihan.ozunlu

ability to assess pain in all parameters and conditions.

nihan.ozunlu 20
48 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #48 Lock Skill description: Submission #48 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #48 Fri, 07/01/2022 - 14:17 jessica.silfver ST-0019 Administration of insulin using a pre-filled syringe(Pen) No Created Nursing Arcada University jessica.silfver

How to administer insuline with pre-filled syringe (Pen)

jessica.silfver 19
47 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #47 Lock Skill description: Submission #47 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #47 Fri, 07/01/2022 - 13:49 jessica.silfver ST-0018 Subcutaneouse injections No Created Nursing Arcada University jessica.silfver

How to correctly and safely administer a subcutaneous injection

jessica.silfver 18
46 Star/flag Skill description: Submission #46 Lock Skill description: Submission #46 Add notes to Skill description: Submission #46 Fri, 07/01/2022 - 13:11 jessica.silfver ST-0017 Oxygen administration with nasal cannula No Created Nursing Arcada University jessica.silfver

Ability to administer oxygen with nasal canula

jessica.silfver 17