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Submission Number: 41
Submission ID: 86
Submission UUID: 17e90bab-b576-47e6-8a53-2ad8c8b57288

Created: Tue, 06/28/2022 - 11:12
Completed: Tue, 06/28/2022 - 11:12
Changed: Tue, 06/28/2022 - 11:50

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: jessica.silfver
Language: English

Is draft: No
Submitted to: Skill description
serial: '41'
sid: '86'
uuid: 17e90bab-b576-47e6-8a53-2ad8c8b57288
uri: /add_skill_description
created: '1656403970'
completed: '1656403970'
changed: '1656406219'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: ''
uid: '9'
langcode: en
webform_id: skill_description
entity_type: node
entity_id: '1'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
  digital_skill: '0'
  skill_category: '3'
  skill_category_responsible_person: '9'
  skill_code: ST-0012
  skill_code_number: '12'
    format: full_html
    value: |
      <p>Understanding the different steps in the ABCDE method how the different meassurments are preformed and what the results mean and how they affect the treatment. Having the skills to preform patient assessment according to the method.</p>
  skill_description_author: '9'
  skill_description_id: ''
  skill_responsible_structure: '18'
  skill_status: '28'
  skill_title: 'patient assesment using ABCDE method'